Like my Vertical Stars earlier, this deals with the problem of when Pixels reach the bottom of the screen, so numbers need to be able to divide into 2 and when 2 is reached move back to the top and a new random position along the x coordinate assigned.
- Code:
100 DEFWORD a-z:DIM a(30)
110 FOR n=1 TO 30 STEP 3
120 x=n+1
130 y=n+2
140 a(x)=RND MOD 640
150 o=RND MOD 398
160 WHILE o MOD 2 <> 0
170 o=RND MOD 398
180 WEND
190 a(y)=o
200 NEXT n
210 MODE 0:INK 0,0:INK 1,26
220 WHILE 1
230 FOR n=1 TO 30 STEP 3
240 x=n+1:y=n+2
250 IF a(y)>2 THEN PLOT a(x),a(y),0:a(y)=a(y)-2:PLOT a(x),a(y),1
260 IF a(y)=2 THEN PLOT a(x),a(y),0:GOSUB 290:PLOT a(x),a(y),1
270 NEXT n
280 WEND
290 a(x)=RND MOD 640
300 a(y)=398